Aiden is now 26 months old, and is growing and learning so much every day! I am just amazed at how fast his language is developing. Just today, he was sharing one of his yogurt snacks with me, and he told me, "careful Mommy, chew it up good!". It cracks me up to hear the things that come out of his mouth! He is starting to correct his baby pronunciations of things, and becoming more and more understandable to people other than family. We are in the process of touring preschools, and he will hopefully be starting sometime this month. I never thought that I would be sending a two year-old to preschool, but I think it will be really good for him. I think he is very smart, and he just soaks up everything that I teach him. He is really interested in reading and learning, as well as tinkering and figuring out how things work. I think the extra stimulation is going to be a great thing. Not to mention, he has had some issues with acting out, and I think alot of the time he just gets bored. It's hard for me to provide enough stimulating activities while caring for a breastfeeding infant. I will definitely be sad when he goes, but I think he is just going to love it. We are getting ready to go on our first family vacation, to Monterey. We are all so excited! We are staying at http://www.montereybeachhotel.com/. I have been teaching Aiden all about different ocean wildlife for the past couple months, so he is extra excited about seeing the aquarium. Several times a day he will tell me, "I go see seahorses and sharks and frogs at the aquarium!". For some reason, he has really become obsessed with seahorses. I really hope they have some sort of a seahorse toy to bring home! I have to admit, I use seahorses the way some moms use Santa. For example, "seahorses don't like little boys who don't listen to their mommies!". These days, Aiden's favorite things to do are playing outside on his scooter with the neighbor kids, practicing golf in the front yard (he is actually really good!), playing soccer with Daddy, dancing and singing, making Cole laugh, reading his favorite books (The Tiny Seed, Brown Bear, and Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?), making racetracks out of blocks, and going on playdates with his little friends.