I know I always say this, but I can't believe how fast time is flying by, and how fast these boys are growing up! Cole had his four month checkup this week. He is a HEALTHY boy, to say the least! He weighs 18 pounds, 10 ounces, and is 26 inches long! That is in the 95th percentile for both! He has grown three pounds and 3 inches in only 2 months! He is SUCH a sweet, sweet baby. He is very mild mannered, even more than Aiden was as a baby. He reminds me alot of Uncle Chris. He is my good sleeper, sleeping 10-12 hours every night, waking once, maybe twice, to eat. While Aiden loved to be rocked to sleep every night, Cole prefers to be laid down in his crib with his music box on. He will babble to himself or suck his fingers for a few minutes, then fall asleep. It's nice at times, but sometimes it makes me sad, too! I like having a baby to cuddle and rock to sleep! He has really begun to interact more with people and things. He loves to be read to, especially his "touch and feel" books. Daddy lays on the floor next to him and holds the book up above his chest. He gets so excited that he looks like he is doing horizontal jumping jacks! Just this week, he has started to actually reach for the pages himself to touch the different textures. I can't believe he is already old enough to do that! I have also seen the first glimpses of Aiden and Cole actually playing together, where they are both active participants. A couple of days ago, at bathtime, they were doing the CUTEST thing! I am just kicking myself that I didn't have a camera nearby! Aiden was kicking his feet, and splashing around Cole's infant tub. At first, I was telling him not to, as to not splash Cole. Well, I look at Cole, and he is grinning ear to ear, and then begins to kick his legs, imitating Aiden! He stops, and Aiden laughs, thinking it is just hilarious! So, then Aiden kicks again, and this time Cole watches and laughs. They went back and forth, taking turns kicking and laughing for a good ten minutes. It was the sweetest, funniest thing I have ever seen! I am so anxious to see my boys playing together! I know it won't be long, though, til they are having wrestling matches and fighting over toys. Aside from watching and laughing at Aiden, these days Cole's favorite things include reading, bouncing in his exersaucer, chewing his fingers, and basically slobbering all over anything he comes in contact with.
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