The Truth About Boys

My boys eat fish sticks or chicken nuggets at least four nights a week. They pick their noses and were born with the innate sense that farts are hilarious. The house is always cluttered, there are always crumbs in the seats of the car and sticky fingerprints on the windows. Sometimes they like to read books; most of the time books make good frisbees or weapons. Every toy in the house is missing at least one peice, making your brother cry is good entertainment and timeout is usually worth whatever you did to get there. Welcome to the Chretien house. Mothers have this constant voice in their head telling them that they could do better, their house could be cleaner, their waist smaller, and their kids more polite. I fall into this trap almost daily, and I am slowly learning that my success not measured by these standards. I may not be the perfect mom, but I know that my boys are happy. They know that they are loved, and they love each other. All day long they will fight over the same toy, the same book, the same spot on the couch. But, when evening comes, and they have sleepy eyes, jammied feet, and sweet smelling hair damp from bathtime, I know that we must be doing something right. This blog is dedicated to two sweet boys learning, playing, growing, and finding their place in the world, and to their mommy learning how to guide them.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

These are the moments

The hours pass slowly yet the years fly by.  I was told this by a friend when Aiden was just a new little baby and I was adjusting to endless hours of nursing, diaper changing, crying, rocking, soothing, bathing and attempting to figure out this little creature I had brought home.  I was 25, and accustomed to a life where I pretty much came and went as I pleased and life was relatively easy.  Suddenly, I was bound to my house by a needy infant and the trepidation that comes for a new mother trying to leave the house on her own.  Days at a time would pass where I wouldn't see the outside world at all.  Some days, those hours were bliss; I'd enjoy listening to his sweet baby coos, smelling the top of his head and filling my lungs full of that sweet baby goodness, and knowing I was there to witness all of his milestones, big and small.  But, there were other days that weren't so rosy.  There were non-napping days, getting shots at the doctor days, and just fussy for no good reason days.  Those were the days that I wished to myself that the hours would just pass faster, that bedtime would come, we could all rest and then tomorrow would be here to start over.  The problem with that is, those days really did just fly by.  I blinked an eye and suddenly here I am with Cole, just a few months shy of three years old, and Aiden who will be in kindergarten soon.  When did this happen?  And why would I ever wish for any of their precious baby moments to pass by any faster than they already have to?  These are the type of guilt inducing thoughts that plague me often.  I have to remind myself that I am doing the best job that I know how to do, and I can't get caught up in those troubling pangs of guilt.  So, as I sit here listening to my boys giggling and play fighting and doing everything to resist sleep, I have to remind myself of something; these are the moments.  These are moments that may be difficult and frustrating right now, but in five years (that are sure to fly by) I will look back and yearn for these moments.  Yes, it's been a long day, I am tired and it's past their bedtime, but these are my babies and I am watching them live a sweet moment that once it's passed, it is gone forever and will only live as a memory.  When they ask 10 times at bedtime for one more hug, one more kiss, and one more high five, it can get old, but they still are young enough to want my attention and giggle victoriously every time I am suckered into giving in and going back for just one more.  When I trip over a toy for the millionth time, I must remind myself that in a few years I won't be tripping over Buzz Lightyear and Legos, and I won't have sweet little ones begging me to play with them.  So, I remind myself, live in this moment, these are the moments that you will look back on and wish you could have again just one more time.

Here are some of my favorite sweet and silly moments with my little dudes.

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